Friday 9 November 2018

Shashi Tharoor's views on British Raj in India

Hello readers, this Blog is a part of my classroom activity in which our professor gave us the task to watch  Shashi Tharor's views on British Raj in India and find out best five ideas which you liked most from the videos in the context of post Colonial paper.

As we all know that Shashi Tharoor is well known writer and Minister in Indian national Congress. Recently, he published his book "An Era of Darkness" in which he talked about what British did in India. His all speeches about British Raj are worth listening because we can get the idea about his wide knowledge about British Raj in India.

Here, I have tried to put best ideas from the videos through images.

1) Indian GDP before British and After British:-

2) How British brought poverty and literacy rate in India:-  Here, Tharoor talked about the poverty of India. When British left India that time ninety percent of the population was living below the poverty line. 

3) What British did in India, Tharoor talked about how British looted Indian raw material and threw India into ashes and then India raised itself after independence. Here, British journalist also talked about Brexite and she don't know about his ancestor's cruelty.

4) Taxation on resources:-  There were many highest taxes on resources in India like salt tax, land taxes, passenger rate for train and many more because of GDP was very law and that is why British started to take higher taxes from Indian.

5) Winston Churchill and Bengal famine:- Here, Shashi Tharoor revealed the cruelty of Churchill. when he was in power that time 10 million bengoli died of starvation for British profit and then Churchill said that why has not Gandhi died yet. So, we see the cruelty of Churchill and massacre of Bengoli.

6) Sun never sets:- Here Shashi Tharoor make fun of greatest thought of Victorian British that Sun never sets of British empire.

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