Friday, 29 September 2017

Coleridge's task

“A poem of any length neither can be, nor ought to be, all poetry”.

> difference between prose and poem is as follow:

(1). Prose and poem both are most probably same but presentation of both are not same. The difference is between the combination of those elements and objects aimed at the poem and Prose. Coleridge make use of certain artificial arrangement of words with the help of metre. As a result composition will be a poem, merely because it is distinguished from composition in Prose by metre, or by rhyme. Poem have musical construction whereas prose is flat forward like news papers, magazine, fiction etc. So here we can say that prose has simple language and subject and it's aimed to be strict to the truth whereas poem's aimed to give pleasure.

(2) Coleridge considers to distinguish poem from poetry Coleridge points out that "poetry of the highest kind may exist without the contra distinguishing object of a poem " Poem is a form of poetry. Poetry means to create or to make. Poetry is the art of creating a poem. Poetry is something going on in the poet’s mind; how to create a poem using language, metre etc. with his imagination.

>Example of prose:

(3)When you set out to tell a story in prose, it’s called a novel or short story and essay which you familiar with it very well (depending on length). Stories can also be told through verse, but it’s less common nowadays. Books like Harry Potter and mobydick are written in prose.

> Example of poetry:
   #John Shepherd-Barron was a Scottish national born in India. Later he relocated to Britain and pursued his education from the University of Edinburgh, and at Trinity College, Cambridge. After returning empty handed from the bank, Shepherd-Barron was disappointed to have no other solution to wait till the bank would open next. And thus in a similar fashion like Archimedes, Shepherd-Barron claims to have hit his Eureka moment while taking a bath. A self-sufficient cash dispensing machine was what he was thinking about. And soon the ATM was invented in the early 1960s. So here we can say that thought of Barron is poetry and Atm machine is poem.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

She stoop to conquer themes

                                                                  ∆   She stoop to conquer ∆

Themes 1


While the play is not explicitly a tract on class, the theme is central to it. The decisions the characters make and their perspectives on one another, are all largely based on what class they are a part of. Where Tony openly loves low-class people like the drunks in the Three Pigeons, Marlow must hide his love of low-class women from his father and “society.” His dynamic relationship with Kate (and the way he treats her) is defined by who he thinks she is at the time – from high-class Kate to a poor barmaid to a woman from good family but with no fortune. Hastings’ and Marlow’s reaction to Hardcastle is also a great example of the importance of class—they find him impudent and absurd, because they believe him to be of low class, but his behavior would be perfectly reasonable and expected from a member of the upper class, as he truly is.


One of the factors that keeps the play pragmatic even when it veers close to contrivance and sentiment is the unavoidable importance of money. While some of the characters, like Marlow and Hardcastle, are mostly unconcerned with questions of money, there are several characters whose lives are largely defined by a lack of access to it. Constance cannot run away with Hastings because she worries about a life without her inheritance. When Marlow thinks Kate is a poor relation of the Hardcastles, he cannot get himself to propose because of her lack of dowry. And Tony seems to live a life unconcerned with wealth, although the implicit truth is that his dalliances are facilitated by having access to wealth.


One of the elements Goldsmith most skewers in his play’s satirical moments is the aristocratic emphasis on behavior as a gauge of character. Even though we today believe that one’s behavior – in terms of “low” versus “high” class behavior – does not necessarily indicate who someone is, many characters in the play are often blinded to a character’s behavior because of an assumption. For instance, Marlow and Hastings treat Hardcastle cruelly because they think him the landlord of an inn, and are confused by his behavior, which seems forward. The same behavior would have seemed appropriately high-class if they hadn’t been fooled by Tony. Throughout the play, characters (especially Marlow) assume they understand someone’s behavior when what truly guides them is their assumption of the other character’s class.


Throughout the play runs a conflict between the refined attitudes of town and the simple behaviors of the country. The importance of this theme is underscored by the fact that it is the crux of the opening disagreement between Hardcastle and his wife. Where country characters like Hardcastle see town manners as pretentious, town characters like Marlow see country manners as bumpkinish. The best course of action is proposed through Kate, who is praised by Marlow as having a “refined simplicity.” Having lived in town, she is able to appreciate the values of both sides of life and can find happiness in appreciating the contradictions that exist between them.


Most characters in the play want others to be simple to understand. This in many ways mirrors the expectations of an audience that Goldsmith wishes to mock. Where his characters are initially presented as comic types, he spends time throughout the play complicating them all by showing their contradictions. Most clear are the contradictions within Marlow, who is both refined and base. The final happy ending comes when the two oldest men – Hardcastle and Sir Charles – decide to accept the contradictions in their children. In a sense, this theme helps to understand Goldsmith’s purpose in the play, reminding us that all people are worthy of being mocked because of their silly, base natures, and no one is above reproach.


Though it is only explicitly referred to in the prologue, an understanding of Goldsmith’s play in context shows his desire to reintroduce his audience to the “laughing comedy” that derived from a long history of comedy that mocks human vice. This type of comedy stands in contrast to the then-popular “sentimental comedy” that praised virtues and reinforced bourgeois mentality. Understanding Goldsmith’s love of the former helps to clarify several elements of the play: the low scene in the Three Pigeons; the mockery of baseness in even the most high-bred characters; and the celebration of absurdity as a fact of human life.


Much of this play’s comedy comes from the trickery played by various characters. The most important deceits come from Tony, including his lie about Hardcastle’s home and his scheme of driving his mother and Constance around in circles. However, deceit also touches to the center of the play’s more major themes. In a sense, the only reason anyone learns anything about their deep assumptions about class and behavior is because they are duped into seeing characters in different ways. This truth is most clear with Marlow and his shifting perspective on Kate, but it also is true for the Hardcastles and Sir Charles, who are able to see the contradictions in others because of what trickery engenders.
Themes 2

Appearances and Reality

Much of the comedy of Goldsmith’s play depends on confusion between appearance and reality. After all, Marlow’s misperception of Mr. Hardcastle’s house as an inn drives the narrative action in the first place. Ironically, Goldsmith’s comedy allows appearance to lead to the discovery of reality. Kate’s deception leads her to discover Marlow’s true nature. Falling in love when he thinks her a barmaid, he declares his decision to defy society and marry her in spite of the differences in their social class. Her falsehood allows him to relax with her and reveal his true self.

Truth and Falsehood

Thematically related to the theme of Appearance and Reality, Goldsmith uses falsehood to reveal the truth. Most obviously Tony’s lie about Mr. Hardcastle’s mansion being an inn produces the truth of the lovers’ affections. Lying also leads to poetic justice. When Constance asks to wear her jewels, Mrs. Hardcastle lies and tells her they have been lost. Tony takes the jewels to give to Hastings, and when Mrs. Hardcastle goes to find them, they have been lost. Her lie has become true.

Sex Roles

In many ways, Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer satirizes the ways the eighteenth-century society believed that proper men and women ought to behave. While the play shows the traditional pattern of male-female relations in Hastings’s wooing of Constance, it also reverses the era’s sexual etiquette by having Kate pursue Marlow.Goldsmith’s comedy raises serious issues, however. On the eighteenth century’s “marriage market, ” many people married for money, land, or title.

Themes 3

Class Bias

Until Kate teaches him a lesson, Marlow responds to women solely on the basis of their status in society. He looks down on women of the lower class but is wholly at ease around them; he esteems women of the upper class but is painfully shy around them. Like the London society in which he was brought up, he assumes that all women of a certain class think and act according to artificial and arbitrary standards expected of that class. As for Mrs. Hardcastle, she appears to assess a person by the value of his or her possessions.
Love Ignores Social Boundaries
Although prevailing attitudes among England’s elite classes frown on romance between one of their own and a person of humble origin, Marlow can’t help falling in love with a common “barmaid” (who is, of course, Kate in disguise).

Hope for Flawed Humanity

Although Marlow makes a fool of himself as a result of his upper-class biases, Kate has enough common sense to see through the London hauteur encasing him and to appreciate him for his genuinely good qualities—which are considerable, once he allows them to surface. Also, Mrs. Hardcastle, in spite of her misguided values, enjoys the love of her practical, down-to-earth husband. He, too, is willing to look beyond her foibles in favor of her good points.

Money Breeds Indolence

Tony Lumpkin will get 1,500 pounds a year when he comes of age. Thus, without financial worries, he devotes himself to ale and a do-nothing life.


Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Gender discrimination in the paradise lost

Sub. Gender Discrimination In "Paradise Lost"

'Gender Discrimination.' This word is not new, since we can find reference of this word in practice from the origin of human race. We all are aware about the story of genesis. How God creates earth, animals, garden of Eden and first humans Adam and Eve? This story we can find in Bible, and John Milton also has taken this story for his epic poem, 'Paradise Lost'. But he makes it interesting by adding character of Satan. And also we found Eve's character more inferior than which has portrayed in Bible. We can find Discrimination in this epic very clearly. Different values of man and woman. There is Adam who represents men and Eve represents women. So let us see if we can find this problem in 'Paradise Lost' which is today also remains as a problem. But before going through this first let us make clear the meaning of this word.

Meaning Of Gender Discrimination

Ø A situation in which someone is treated less well because of their sex, usually when a woman is treated less well than a man. [Cambridge English Dictionary]

Ø The belief that one gender is superior to the other, especially that men are superior to women. [American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language]

Ø Discrimination on the basis of sex, especially the oppression of women by men. [Collins English Dictionary]

So now we have clear meaning of the word so we can analyse if there is less value of Eve in ''Paradise Lost' than Adam?

Gender Discrimination in 'Paradise Lost'
The first human being created on the earth by god, was Adam, a man, not woman. Usually women considers as the mother of human race, but God created Eve, the first woman on the earth, by taking rib from Adam's side. Thus, she was inferior to Adam. Adam considers himself superior. In Bible We can find his authoritative nature in his words,

            "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man." [2:23]

So, from beginning Adam's mentality was that he is superior and Eve is inferior, because she was created from him. Milton's Adam is also same type as in Bible. 'She was taken out of man.' These words are very significant. Why God did not create woman first and then man? It is mother who gives birth, so God should be created Eve first and by taken her rib should create Adam. In creation of Adam it might possible that God's psychology had played a role. As being a man he can not think to create woman first and give importance to her, naturally he  would create man first and give him more importance.
Adam's superior nature towards Eve also reflects in these lines,

In woman, then to studie houshold good,
And good workes in her Husband to promote.[9.233-34]

Adam belives that woman's work is doing household works and promote her husband. Today also many people belives that women should not go outside and work, they should take care of house. So Adam's those words are problematic.

When Eve asks for doing the work separately, Adam says,

The Wife, where danger or dishonour lurks,
Safest and seemliest by her Husband staies,
Who guards her, or with her the worst endures.[9.267-69]

So, Adam's belief was that danger and dishonour moves around woman. So she should stay with man and man can guard her. Now what was the reason for believing this? Eve was not coward. She was even more courageous than Adam. When Adam says her to look for Satan, he might attempt to tempt us, Eve argues that if we live in fear than where is freedom? And she separates from Adam. So she was not timid girl, then what is the reason for believing Adam that wife should stay with husband that he can protect her. Reason is his superior nature as examples given above.

Milton has portrayed Eve every way inferior to Adam except her beauty. In characterisation of Adam Milton has not put any defect, but in characterisation of Eve he put many deficiencies. She was very proud for her beauty. She falls in love with her own image when she sees her reflection in water. Satan identifies this demerit and decides to tempt her, and he also succeeds easily. Apart from her, Milton portrayed Adam's character as a strong, intelligent, rational thinker, and as perfect as a human being can be. He has an enormous capacity for reason, and can understand the most sophisticated ideas instantly.

God cursed Eve for eating the fruit of knowledge, but Adam was cursed because he followed his wife.

'On ADAM last thus judgement he pronounc’d.
Because thou hast heark’nd to the voice of thy Wife,' [10.197-98]

What does this reflex? God does not want that Adam submits to Eve. There is also proof in these lines,

"Wherein God set thee above her made of thee,
And for thee, whose perfection farr excell’d" [10.150-51]

So, we can find God's love for Adam and hatred for Eve. words of God's son are proof that God knowingly created Adam better than Eve.

In punishment also he punishes Eve harder than others. After being disobedient, three characters were cursed as God ordered. First the serpent, whose form Satan had taken.
Because thou hast done this, thou art accurst
Above all Cattel, each Beast of the Field;
Upon thy Belly groveling thou shalt goe,
And dust shalt eat all the days of thy Life. [10.175-78]

Then to Eve,
Thy sorrow I will greatly multiplie
By thy Conception; Children thou shalt bring
In sorrow forth, and to thy Husbands will
Thine shall submit, hee over thee shall rule. [10.193-96]

And last to Adam he says,
On ADAM last thus judgement he pronounc’d.
Because thou hast heark’nd to the voice of thy Wife,
And eaten of the Tree concerning which
I charg’d thee, saying: Thou shalt not eate thereof,
Curs’d is the ground for thy sake, thou in sorrow
Shalt eate thereof all the days of thy Life;
Thornes also and Thistles it shall bring thee forth
Unbid, and thou shalt eate th’ Herb of th’ Field,
In the sweat of thy Face shalt thou eate Bread,
Till thou return unto the ground, for thou
Out of the ground wast taken, know thy Birth,
For dust thou art, and shalt to dust returne. [10.197-208]

It was Satan who deceived Eve, but he never cursed. It is snake cursed whose form Satan had taken. After succeeds in his mission Satan was greeting with cheers in pandemonium. Eve cursed that she will suffer from the pain of childbirth and man will rule over you. Now earlier was not she submitted to Adam? Will she not give birth to the child if curse was not given? She was Adam had been already ruling over her, and she will give birth to child even if she was not cursed. So for Eve curse was only formality.
And if eating fruit of knowledge is sin, then Adam's sin is greater than Eve. Because he eats it for his own purpose to not loosing Eve. Eve was tempted but not Adam. He eats fruit willingly. So God should punish him harder than Eve.

After they cursed, Adam blames Eve and says why God ever created Eve? Adam also says that she is crooked by nature, created with flaws, and designed to tempt him.

Crooked by nature, bent, as now appears,
More to the part sinister from me drawn, [10.885-86]

Was she really crooked by nature? In this epic we can find only one demerit in her that she was was arrogant because of her beauty. Otherwise she was clever, lovable and kind person. It was she who suggested Adam that they can survive by loving each other. Flaws of Adam are more than Eve. Some readers finds Adam as a perfect man, without any flaw. But there is a great sinful thought in his mind. Adam confesses among Raphael about his intense physical attraction for Eve. After eating fruit they looks each other in a new way and turns to lust. But before eating the fruit also Adam was attracted physically towards Eve. So deficiencies were on both Neither Eve was faulty nor Adam was perfect, but Adam thinks because of Eve all sufferings have came.

Before they leave the garden of Eden, Michael puts Eve to sleep and takes Adam up onto the highest hill where he show him a vision of humankind's future. Here also we can see Discrimination. From beginning God has been more merciful to Adam. He  creates Adam first, provide him more knowledge, cursed lighter, blames only on Eve, and here also Michael shows future of mankind only to Adam. Why he put Eve into sleep? Why did God want to give all the knowledge only to Adam? Both have committed same sin. Then why one is informed what will happen and other knew nothing? Does God also not want to educate woman? Possibility is there. For long time girls were not allowed to educate. Today also girls remains uneducated. Because the first woman on the earth, Eve also was victim of this problem. God provided knowledge only to Adam.

Thus, after those arguments we can say with certainty that there is 'Gender Discrimination' in many ways. Analysis of this epic makes this idea very clear. It was God who did Discrimination between man and woman and till today also this problem remains as a big problem.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Online discussion on Hamlet

> Introduction: The story of madness and revenge, Hamlet is considered the greatest play ever written. It is performed all around the world, in almost every language. The tragedy happened in Denmark and Hamlet was the prince of Denmark.

∆ Here,  my answer to online discussions.:

1) The movie Hamlet is much faithful to the original Shakespeare's play, because kenneth Branagh used every dialogue and the scenes of the original textbook and also his selection of all the characters are suitable for the movie.

2) After watching movie Hamlet, I have seen there is no any changes in the characters or any situation. But there are some changes like the look of Prince Hamlet, Shakespeare shown more Young Hamlet than the Kenneth Branagh shown.Branagh shown modern palace than 16th century and also used modern costumes of the characters

3) Yes, I felt aesthetic delight when Hamlet and Ophelia living lovingly and also I was very happy when Hamlet killed Claudius.

4) Absolutely, screening of movie help me to better understanding of the play we know that "An image describe thousands words".

5) Yes, I felt catharses scene when Hamlet comes to know about his father's murder by his uncle and mother. When Hamlet is frustrated and he behave cruelly with Ophelia in this scene in which Ophelia had gone mad and  sing a song with her  madness.

6)  Whole play is very good but i like the character of Prince Hamlet. I will cherish his character lifetime.

7) If, I get to chance to remaking movie on Shakespeare' s Hamlet. I would portrayed Prince Hamlet as a brave soldier. I change many concept like there is no revenge. Not remarrying of Gertrude , I portrayed her as widow of king Hamlet and end will be happy that Hamlet and Ophelia get marry and succeed to throne of Denmark. Through this changes I should try to give moral lesson to the readers and society that Hamlet know about his father's murder but he forgive his uncle for his cruelty because Hamlet know that if I get revenge of my father though  my  father will not come again so why I done cruel thing as my uncle done.To this concept I would like to make moral play.

8) The destroyed of king Hamlet's statue conveys us that king Hamlet's eyes was open for the revenge in the beginning and in the end of the movie his revenge fulfilled so his eyes closed and sleep well through destroying statue.

9) While studying the play through movie psychological, philosophical approach and formalist approach find more applicable to the play because Hamlet and Claudius communication and dialogue delivery, we can seen they both like a psychy.

10) In the play Hamlet formalist approach is more appeals because characters dialogue delivery is so high so we can't understand easilys. We can see  many time, in the soliloquy of Hamlet, in the madness of Ophelia and also in the prayer of Claudius. We find formalist approach.