Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Monday, 25 March 2019
Sunday, 17 March 2019
Interaction with French Professors
Today we had a surprise visit by Prof. Saeed Paivandi and Prof. Fantanini Christine from University of Lorraine , France. They visited to Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University. They had small visit to our department of English for brief talk on higher education system. Prof. Kishor Joshi from department of Economics has introduced the guest.
They have talked about the France culture , emerging of various streams and smaller educational universities to set a particular university as world class university, effect of economical crises and class conflict upon education system, gender differences in various education streams. It was very fruitful and interesting session. They were very curious to interact with students. Some students asked few questions to them related to their culture and effect of feminine study over their culture.
Prof. Saeed don't have the citizenship of France. He came to France to learn french language. He lived their as foreigner.He closely look over the culture of France. He talked about the violences in some French movements and according to him violence can never give a proper solution to any problems.
Prof. Christine 's thoughts were contrasting from Prof. Saeed. According to her violence is very normal in these movements. She talked about economical crises among the various classes. Elite people became more rich, poor became more poorer and in between them middle class faces more economical crises. This things also affects on education system.
In 1980 there were 6% working class and 35 % elite people were studying. In 2015 it increased with population 35 % working class and 90% elite class people were studying in universities.
 They have also talked about Feminist in education system. In the education system of France there are 55% women studying in various streams of education system. So there is equal ratio of male and female in education system. Through this conversation over feminism in education we came to know about the ratio of women in various fields like humanity 80% , engineering 60% , medicine 75%, surgery 17%, law 15% etc. This ratio is quite similar to India. In India more women are in stream of humanities rather than other streams like engineering, law , surgery etc. In medicine more women can be seen as nurse but few as surgeon. All these high designations have been occupied by males. Men are gaining high salary compare to women.
So through this conversation we came to know that situations are parallel on the global level. The situations and interests of french women in various education streams are quite similar as India.

This type of interactions provide us authenticity about particular culture. It was very knowledgeable and intresting session. Both the professors freely talked about France culture and education system.
I would like to thank Prof. Kishor Joshi of economics department and Prof. Dilip Barad for organising this surprise visit.
Guest lecture on Journalism by Jay Mehta
On 15th January we had guest lecture on Mass Media & Communication by Dr. Jay Mehta sir. Again we got the chance to attend the lecture of Jay sir. The lecture was on mass media and communication.
Whenever we want to hear our favorite song, watch our favorite show, or see the latest current events, wherever we go, all time we are connected with mass media. Some of the most popular forms of mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, advertisements, social media, television, Internet. So, Jay sir gave us information about the history of mass media, cinema social media. He is a translator so he has good Information about the newspapers and the some fact of it.
Print media is old media of them. Four pillars of constitution,
Media is one strong pillar of Indian constitution. If we talk about today so, media becomes so glamourous. Advertisement is one part of mass media. It deals with language and human psychology. In most of the adds they focuses on the language that can we attract people towards our products. Cola launched one of the most successful add, “Thanda Matlab Coca Cola.” which is given by Prasoon Joshi.
Types of Cinema,
Mainstream cinema and
Parallel cinema.
Infotainment/edutainment, which is a new form of cinema. Nowadays we can see the trend of film adaptation of literature.
So, we are again thankful to Head of the department, Dr. Dilip Barad sir to invite Jay sir, who enlighted the knowledge of mass media and communication.
Translation session with Dr. Vishal Bhadani
On 1st January we had translation workshop and talk with author Dr. Vishal Bhadani organized by Dept. Of English in which he took two session, first about short story telling and second was about translation.
1st Session
Dr. Vishal Bhadani published his story
collection under titled ‘Fictionalay’. Sir starts with that, You can read Short
stories in ten minutes but it will stay with you forever. And may be truth in
this… His some of stories masterpiece of his work and His reading of story gave
us Knowledge of where to pause and press on words for good impact on listener’s
2nd Session
His second session based on Translation theories.
As we all know there are many Translation Theories like
1.The sociolinguistic Approach
2.The Communicate Approach
3.The Hermeneutic Approach
4. The linguistic Approach
5.The literary Approach
6. The Semiotic Approach etc.,
Why is Translation Important?
Literary translation is of huge importance. It
helps to shape our understanding of the world around us in many ways. Reading
Homer and Sophocles as part of a classical education in school helps to build
an understanding of history, politics, philosophy and so much more. Meanwhile,
reading contemporary translations provides fascinating insights into life in
other cultures and other countries. In a fast-paced world so rife with
misunderstanding and confusion, such efforts to share knowledge and experiences
across cultural boundaries should be applauded.
That is why translation is an emerging and
intersting field for academia. Vishal Sir shared his personal experiances of
translation work.
Apart from that, 2nd session became an more
interesting for everyone because Vishal Sir made an interactive. He gave us one
worksheet and in that we have done Translation. Here is my translation work.
That was a memorable session. We came to know
about that we have some new opportunities in this area of Translation. And
Translation is always and interesting task though it is not easy too, but it
always opens new door for literature.
Thinking Activity: The White Tiger
Hello Readers.
This blog
is a part of classroom activity given by professor Dr. Dilip Barad in which
students work is to think about given points and compare the novel with movie
"Slumdog Millionaire" by Danny Boyle.
How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger?
Somewhat I agree with the representation of India in the novel because somehow
Adiga presented reality of India like corruption, poverty, cheats and
illiteracy. Although, when novel was written that time India also has bright
side and development but here Adiga shows us the dark side of India. These kind
of thing somehow we can see in all the countries of the world. So, Adiga
presented the reality of India and we see this kind of India in the present day
Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of
''Rags to riches?
We an see that the stories which portrays poor as central character at the end
of the story the poor becomes rich. We can see many people who are same
as Balaram. Same like who belongs to poor and wide family, who did not complete
their studies, who goes to work from early childhood, and who has bearing
insults from those who are rich. These types of stories shows the struggle of
poor to achieve their dream and for that becoming rich. The ways of reaching to
the destination of wealth might differs of each stories but the suffering
always remain same. So, this way we can say that Balram's story is archetype of
all stories of 'Raga to Riches'.
" Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique,
reconstructive criticism aims to show that any text inevitably undermines its
own claims to have a determinate meaning, and licences the reader to produce
his own meaning out of it by an activity of semantic 'free play' (Derrida,
1978, in Lodge, 1988,p. 108) Is it possible to do deconstruction reading of The
White Tiger? How?
it is possible to deconstruct "The white Tiger". We can deconstruct
it with the help of Derrida's concept of free play of meanings. To break the
language we need to find the loose stone of it. The loose stone of "The
White Tiger" is that Balram himself says that he is "Half-backed.
This word breaks all the philosophy and all the ideals which Balram is
presenting by giving his own example. Because he is not fully educated. He
understand things with his limited power of analysis. He appropriate the deep
philosophies with his shallow ideas and thinking. For example, he compares his
idea of killing his master and get freedom with the enlightenment of Buddha.
This proves his shallow knowledge about Buddha and his idea of enlightenment.
So, this way we can deconstruct "The White Tiger"
between "The White Tiger" and "Slumdog Millionaire":
1. Narrative structure : wanted poster / KBC show
The white tiger is an epistolary novel , dark comedy and satire. Balram Halwai
is protagonist in the novel. Flashback technique used here. Balram writes
letters to Wen Jiabao , the premier of China.
In film ' Slumdog millionaire ' protagonist Jmal mlik , whose story represented
by flashback technique. In the film setting is KBC show as medium of
narration. Balram Halwai and Jmal mlik both achieve their goals by their own
style. By being honest , corrupt , moral or immoral or by desire. Both were
also presented as " Chai wala ". Jmal mlik became famous by
show and Balram by Wanted poster. Both have money idea in mind and they make it
also. In both poverty , corruption , family , struggle all are presented.
Thus narration of novel and film are much similar.
2. Indianness
In both narration there is a satire on India , that no basic necessities even
fulfilled like , water , electricity , public transportation , discipline or
punctuality. Cricket , voting patterns , intuition all reflects Indianness.
Family structure : In both film and novel narration of family life. Balram ' s
father and grandmother , cousins all binds him. He have to sacrifice his study
for family support. But he breaks the tradition and get freedom by loss
of family. Jmal ' s brother slim also departed from him have choose bad
way to survive.
Railway station : train and station narration in both reflects indianness.
Balram ' s wanted poster and run away after crime all at the station. Jmal 's
quest , love and ending all at the station . Thus station reflects indianness.
Two brothers : two brothers lost and found is archytype also reflects
Indianness in both narration. Slim ' s departure and meeting shows that thing.
Police system : In The White Tiger Balram bribes police and start New business
. In Slumdog millionaire also police is corrupted. Thus it reflects Indianness.
Education : Balram and Jmal both were uneducated but still have intelligence
and talent to understand the world. They have enough knowledge how to
survive in world.
3. List of the questions asked in the ' Slumdog millionaire'.
1. Who was the star in the 1973 hit film "Zanzeer"
ans. Amitabh Bacchan
2. A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of
India. What is written underneath it?
Ans. The Truth alone triumphs
3. In depiction of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right
Ans. A bow and arrow
4. The song " Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous
Indian poet?
Ans. Surdas
5. On the American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is portrait of which
American Statesman?
Ans. Benjamin Franklin
6. Who invented the revolver?
Ans. Samuel Colt
7. Cambridge Circus is in which UK City?
Ans . London
8. Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history?
Ans. Jack Hobbs
9. In Alexander Dumas' book, "The Three Musketeers", two of the
musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third
Ans .Aramis
4. Deconstruction of film from post colonial perspective.
In narration of the novel we find they treated Indian as very
inferior people comparing to them. By showing slim as bad boy , and as chitter
with them , then good reaction of
Americans towards them. That shows their mentality towards India. They visited
Indian place it also part of it. By portraying Indian as poor and corrupted
they make themselves superior.
5. Compare with Texture and treatment of subject content in film and novel.
Texture in both narration is about India as corrupt and poor country. Villages
, landlords , education all represents the darkness of India. Slum area
and poverty is also reflects it. Rich heritage and spirituality , family /
orphans all are texture of both . Both have own ways to achieve goals by good
or bad things . So treatment is light , humorous
and sometimes comic and dark.
The Post master
'The Postmaster is a short story by Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore. The writer considered as the greatest Indian literary figure of the twentieth century. He won the Nobel prize for literature.
'The Postmaster' is a story of attachment. The Postmaster takes his post to remote village Ulapur. Jr was from Calcutta and so he did not like the place. He feels like a fish out of water in the village.
Postmaster was living alone and had to cook himself. Ratan, an orphan girl help him occasionally. Postmaster shares his feeling with Ratan, tells about his family. Those memories were always haunting him. Postmaster teaches Ratan to read.
One day Postmaster falls ill and Ratan takes good care of him. Called village doctor, have pills on right time, sat up all night by his pillow, cooked his gruel for him. But Postmaster decides to apply for transfer. He applies on the ground of the unhealthiness of the place.
Postmaster was waiting for reply and one day it comes, telling that his application for transfer has rejected and so he resigned post and is going to home. He calls Ratan and says that he is going next day. Ratan feels so sad. She hopes that Postmaster would take her with him and asks also buy Postmaster laughs.
At the time of departure, Postmaster offers some money to Ratan but she did not accept it and run away crying. After Postmaster gone, still Ratan wanders near the post office with tears in her eyes.
'The Postmaster' is a story of attachment. The Postmaster takes his post to remote village Ulapur. Jr was from Calcutta and so he did not like the place. He feels like a fish out of water in the village.
Postmaster was living alone and had to cook himself. Ratan, an orphan girl help him occasionally. Postmaster shares his feeling with Ratan, tells about his family. Those memories were always haunting him. Postmaster teaches Ratan to read.
One day Postmaster falls ill and Ratan takes good care of him. Called village doctor, have pills on right time, sat up all night by his pillow, cooked his gruel for him. But Postmaster decides to apply for transfer. He applies on the ground of the unhealthiness of the place.
Postmaster was waiting for reply and one day it comes, telling that his application for transfer has rejected and so he resigned post and is going to home. He calls Ratan and says that he is going next day. Ratan feels so sad. She hopes that Postmaster would take her with him and asks also buy Postmaster laughs.
At the time of departure, Postmaster offers some money to Ratan but she did not accept it and run away crying. After Postmaster gone, still Ratan wanders near the post office with tears in her eyes.
The Nightingale And The Rose - Oscar Wilde
Today I am going to write about a short story which is one of my favourite. Children may found it a fairy tale, but it is not a fairy tale at all, it gives very rational idea. You might also finds it fairy tale, but it was in syllabus of my third year of graduation and our professor has told us while teaching this story that this is not a story that should remember only for exam, but you should remember this story for lifetime. And this story is,
"The Nightingale And The Rose"
By 'Oscar Wilde'
This is a simple story about love which end is very sad. The language is also very simple.
Story starts with the sentence of one unnamed boy, "She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red rose" cried the young student, "but in all my garden there is no red ros."
So by this sentence we can find that the boy has proposed a girl for dance with him but the girl demanded for a red rose for dancing with the boy, but it was winter and there were no roses. By this demand it is clear that the girl does not love the boy and she doesn't want to dance with the boy. But boy was very sad and was weeping in his garden.
In his garden on the Oak tree there was living one Nightingale who heard the boy weeping and consider him a true lover. Nightingale describes how priceless thing love is. She says,
"Surely love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds, and dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the market place. It may not be purchased of the merchants, nor can it be weighed out in the balance for gold."
So, it makes clear that for Nightingale love is above than all the things. So she decided to bring a red rose for the boy. There are also characters like Green Lizard, Butterfly and Daisy. They laughed when knowing that the boy is weeping for a red rose. But Nightingale flies away and comes to the grass plot. There was rose tree, so Nightingale asked for a red rose but his roses were white. Then Nightingale came to another rose tree but his roses were yellow. The rose tree directed him to his brother who had grown under the student's window. Nightingale went there and asked for a red rose in exchange of sing sweetest song for him. His roses were red but winter had chilled his veins, frost had nipped his buds and the storm had broken his branches, so there had no roses. But there was a way. The rose tree says,
"If you want a red rose, you must build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with your own heart's blood. You must sing to me with your breast against a thorn. All night long you must sing to me, and the thorn mist pierce your heart, and your lifeblood must flow into my veins, and become mine."
Nightingale accepts it and says,
"Yet love is better than life, and what is the heart of a bird compared to the heart of a man?"
Nightingale sung last song for Oak tree which had fond of Nightingale. When Nightingale finished the song the boy thinks that she has form, but she has not feelings. How stupid that boy was.
And when moon was in his full size Nightingale went to the rose tree, set her breast against the thorn. As Nightingale pressed her breast closer against the thorn her song became louder. And last thorn touched her heart and she dies. And there was a red rose, "Like the rose of the eastern sky. Crimson was the girdle of petals, and crimson as a ruby was the heart." But Nightingale was not alive to watch it.
At noon the student opened his window and saw a red rose. He plucked it and run to the professor's house and offered it to the girl but she denies saying that it will not go with my dress and Chamberlain's nephew has sent real jewellery for her and jewels cost far more than flowers. The student becomes angry and threw the rose into the street where it fell into the gutter and cart wheel went over it.
The boy says in a way to home,
"What a silly thing love is! It is not half as useful as logic, for it does not prove anything, and it is always telling one of things that are not going to happen, and making one believe things that are not true. In fact, it is quite unpractical, and as in this as to be practical is everything. I shall go back to philosophy and study Metaphysics."
So he returned to his room and pulled out a great dusty book, and began to read.
So this is the end of the story. How sad end it is. Nightingale's sacrifice of life in vein because of one stupid boy and one stupid girl. For Nightingale love is everything but for the boy love was a silly and unpractical thing.
So this was the story which I liked most, hope you also may like it. As I always suggest, read original text for true feelings and better understanding. And I am sure after reading it, you will tell others to read it as I did.
"The Nightingale And The Rose"
By 'Oscar Wilde'
This is a simple story about love which end is very sad. The language is also very simple.
Story starts with the sentence of one unnamed boy, "She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red rose" cried the young student, "but in all my garden there is no red ros."
So by this sentence we can find that the boy has proposed a girl for dance with him but the girl demanded for a red rose for dancing with the boy, but it was winter and there were no roses. By this demand it is clear that the girl does not love the boy and she doesn't want to dance with the boy. But boy was very sad and was weeping in his garden.
In his garden on the Oak tree there was living one Nightingale who heard the boy weeping and consider him a true lover. Nightingale describes how priceless thing love is. She says,
"Surely love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds, and dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the market place. It may not be purchased of the merchants, nor can it be weighed out in the balance for gold."
So, it makes clear that for Nightingale love is above than all the things. So she decided to bring a red rose for the boy. There are also characters like Green Lizard, Butterfly and Daisy. They laughed when knowing that the boy is weeping for a red rose. But Nightingale flies away and comes to the grass plot. There was rose tree, so Nightingale asked for a red rose but his roses were white. Then Nightingale came to another rose tree but his roses were yellow. The rose tree directed him to his brother who had grown under the student's window. Nightingale went there and asked for a red rose in exchange of sing sweetest song for him. His roses were red but winter had chilled his veins, frost had nipped his buds and the storm had broken his branches, so there had no roses. But there was a way. The rose tree says,
"If you want a red rose, you must build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with your own heart's blood. You must sing to me with your breast against a thorn. All night long you must sing to me, and the thorn mist pierce your heart, and your lifeblood must flow into my veins, and become mine."
Nightingale accepts it and says,
"Yet love is better than life, and what is the heart of a bird compared to the heart of a man?"
Nightingale sung last song for Oak tree which had fond of Nightingale. When Nightingale finished the song the boy thinks that she has form, but she has not feelings. How stupid that boy was.
And when moon was in his full size Nightingale went to the rose tree, set her breast against the thorn. As Nightingale pressed her breast closer against the thorn her song became louder. And last thorn touched her heart and she dies. And there was a red rose, "Like the rose of the eastern sky. Crimson was the girdle of petals, and crimson as a ruby was the heart." But Nightingale was not alive to watch it.
At noon the student opened his window and saw a red rose. He plucked it and run to the professor's house and offered it to the girl but she denies saying that it will not go with my dress and Chamberlain's nephew has sent real jewellery for her and jewels cost far more than flowers. The student becomes angry and threw the rose into the street where it fell into the gutter and cart wheel went over it.
The boy says in a way to home,
"What a silly thing love is! It is not half as useful as logic, for it does not prove anything, and it is always telling one of things that are not going to happen, and making one believe things that are not true. In fact, it is quite unpractical, and as in this as to be practical is everything. I shall go back to philosophy and study Metaphysics."
So he returned to his room and pulled out a great dusty book, and began to read.
So this is the end of the story. How sad end it is. Nightingale's sacrifice of life in vein because of one stupid boy and one stupid girl. For Nightingale love is everything but for the boy love was a silly and unpractical thing.
So this was the story which I liked most, hope you also may like it. As I always suggest, read original text for true feelings and better understanding. And I am sure after reading it, you will tell others to read it as I did.
F. R. Leavis: Reality and sincerity essay
Frank Raymond "F. R." Leavis (14 July 1895 – 14 April 1978) was a British literary critic of the early-to-mid-twentieth century. F.R.leavis is a leading critics among critic's group of New Criticism. He has a lasting effect on English literary criticism. His ideas on practical criticism rather than theory have been widely welcomed .The present essay “Reality and Sincerity” by him is a fine specimen of his genius as a critics.This essay is a basically an outcome of the critical comparison of the three poems
- Alexander Smith's "Barbara"
- Emily Bronte's "Cold in Earth"
- Thomas Hardy's "After a Journey"
Criticism is done in order to establish a preference between all the three poems and as a result two of them are ordered and the third would have its place automatically. "Barbara" is about irreparable loss. It deals with the sufferings of an unbearable sorrow. It is basically cheap in nature ,extremely vague and unrealistic in nature. Therefore Barbara does not need any kind of the analysis.
The First verse sets the scene using adjectives like old, grey, crisped, yellow,etc.Which sets a tone of something or something about end. The Second verse ends with the powerful images of ‘Barbara’ looking out of heaven which reminds D.G.Rossetti powerful poem “The Blessed Damozel”. The Third stanza concludes with the exotic memory of wild morning when love embarrassed but one cannot understand why kiss lives the purple stain on agony her mouth. Barbara’s ghost lingers on like bad smell throughout the forth stanza. She seats remembering erotic feeling keeping breslate in her arm. She describes that though she has sinned many times since her death, She has been faithful and loves him still. This compassion of earth and heavenly love incredible for her love, earth is empty without her. The poem ends with the wind, rain and the mourning of wounded sea. Peace is with Barbara and death.
Levis's criticism of Smith’s poem has nothing to do with techniques reading through the verse. It looks very personal .Each line is a memory there is almost a picture in each line smith decides the verse as he himself sharing his thought with “ Barbara”. He is talking to her and he knows what to say so that she will understand him. This poem is not for us but for them…
“When loves speak, they have their own language”.
The other two poems are emotionally intense and the critic here tries to establish superiority of one poem over the other. As per the critic's analysis, we came across the fact that Hardy's work is better as compared to Emily Bronte 's "Cold in Earth".

Remembrance (Cold in Earth)
Cold in the earth—and the deep snow piled above thee,
Far, far removed, cold in the dreary grave!
Have I forgot, my only Love, to love thee,
Severed at last by Time's all-severing wave?
Now, when alone, do my thoughts no longer hover
Over the mountains, on that northern shore,
Resting their wings where heath and fern-leaves cover
Thy noble heart forever, ever more?
Cold in the earth—and fifteen wild Decembers,
From those brown hills, have melted into spring:
Faithful, indeed, is the spirit that remembers
After such years of change and suffering!
Sweet Love of youth, forgive, if I forget thee,
While the world's tide is bearing me along;
Other desires and other hopes beset me,
Hopes which obscure, but cannot do thee wrong!
No later light has lightened up my heaven,
No second morn has ever shone for me;
All my life's bliss from thy dear life was given,
All my life's bliss is in the grave with thee.
But, when the days of golden dreams had perished,
And even Despair was powerless to destroy,
Then did I learn how existence could be cherished,
Strengthened, and fed without the aid of joy.
Then did I check the tears of useless passion—
Weaned my young soul from yearning after thine;
Sternly denied its burning wish to hasten
Down to that tomb already more than mine.
And, even yet, I dare not let it languish,
Dare not indulge in memory's rapturous pain;
Once drinking deep of that divinest anguish,
How could I seek the empty world again?
Agony is evident in this poem where the poet talks about 'morning and fifteen wild December', she believes that her wait is neither productive nor gainful. 'Misery' and 'Despair' are never good and she decides not to spend any time further on it. The tone of the poem is compassionate and ultimately resolving in nature and it has very sentimental mood attached to it.
The poem suggests that the grave of her beloved is covered
with two depressing seasons, Winter and Autumn. The covering of the grave suggests that the poet is no longer concerned with her beloved at that point, the poet believes that the best period of their life has gone. The hopes would not be as bright on the contrary, they would be sterner and darker. From the sixth stanza, poet had set herself free from the shackles of lamentations.
In terms of the figures of speech, Alliteration and Repeatation elevate the quotient of pain.
After A Journey by Hardy
I come to interview a Voiceless ghost;
Whither, O whither will its whim now draw me?
Up the cliff, down, till I'm lonely, lost,
And the unseen waters' soliloquies awe me.
Where you will next be there's no knowing,
Facing round about me everywhere,
With your nut-coloured hair,
And gray eyes, and rose-flush coming and going.
Yes: I have re-entered your olden haunts at last;
Through the years, through the dead scenes I have tracked you;
What have you now found to say of our past -
Viewed across the dark space wherein I have lacked you?
Summer gave us sweets, but autumn wrought division?
Things were not lastly as firstly well
With us twain, you tell?
But all's closed now, despite Time's derision.
I see what you are doing: you are leading me on
To the spots we knew when we haunted here together,
The waterfall, above which the mist-bow shone
At the then fair hour in the then fair weather,
And the cave just under, with a voice still so hollow
That it seems to call out to me from forty years ago,
When you were all aglow,
And not the thin ghost that I now frailly follow!
Ignorant of what there is flitting here to see,
The waked birds preen and the seals flop lazily,
Soon you will have, Dear, to vanish from me,
For the stars close their shutters and the dawn whitens hazily.
Trust me, I mind not, though Life lours,
The bringing of me here; nay, bring me here again!
I am just the same as when
Our days were a joy, and our paths through flowers.
Whither, O whither will its whim now draw me?
Up the cliff, down, till I'm lonely, lost,
And the unseen waters' soliloquies awe me.
Where you will next be there's no knowing,
Facing round about me everywhere,
With your nut-coloured hair,
And gray eyes, and rose-flush coming and going.
Yes: I have re-entered your olden haunts at last;
Through the years, through the dead scenes I have tracked you;
What have you now found to say of our past -
Viewed across the dark space wherein I have lacked you?
Summer gave us sweets, but autumn wrought division?
Things were not lastly as firstly well
With us twain, you tell?
But all's closed now, despite Time's derision.
I see what you are doing: you are leading me on
To the spots we knew when we haunted here together,
The waterfall, above which the mist-bow shone
At the then fair hour in the then fair weather,
And the cave just under, with a voice still so hollow
That it seems to call out to me from forty years ago,
When you were all aglow,
And not the thin ghost that I now frailly follow!
Ignorant of what there is flitting here to see,
The waked birds preen and the seals flop lazily,
Soon you will have, Dear, to vanish from me,
For the stars close their shutters and the dawn whitens hazily.
Trust me, I mind not, though Life lours,
The bringing of me here; nay, bring me here again!
I am just the same as when
Our days were a joy, and our paths through flowers.
This poem talks about the past memories of the poet. This poem in terms of analysis can be understand in two parts, from line 1 to 16 we come to know about how Hardy tries o find 'Emma' and 17 to 32, we get an impression that Emma leads him to the memories of the past. In lines 1 to 8, the poet wants to talk with the ghost of Emma. In lines 9 to 16, the speaker shows his feelings of regret since their relationship is not the same as it was. He sees the ghost in the same as it was he sees he ghost in the lonely countryside of corn-well. In 17 to 24, Emma's ghost leads hardy to their past memories and she transport himself to nostalgic movement.
In 25 to 32, visual Imagery is used very appropriately. There are kinesthetic imagery like birds and seals. Visual imagery like stars, dawn, flowers etc. words like vanished, filtering are also examples of kinesthetical imagery. Although Imagenaries shown in the poem are vivid, Hardy makes us realized this through his writing.
Hardy's poem is more conventional in nature, it proves to be more sincere and becomes real in terms of its effect, Emma is at the center in terms of the subject in Thomas Hardy's poem.
Both poems are an outcome of experience but integrity in Hardy's poem is more striking as he tries to depict his memories and his sufferings. On the base of reality and sincerity comes to conclusion that hardy ‘After a Journey’ is more effective poem. It highlight the elements of reality and sincerity more than the poem of Emily Bronte.
Hardy's poem is more conventional in nature, it proves to be more sincere and becomes real in terms of its effect, Emma is at the center in terms of the subject in Thomas Hardy's poem.
Both poems are an outcome of experience but integrity in Hardy's poem is more striking as he tries to depict his memories and his sufferings. On the base of reality and sincerity comes to conclusion that hardy ‘After a Journey’ is more effective poem. It highlight the elements of reality and sincerity more than the poem of Emily Bronte.
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